Headaches that occur in children can be treated naturally side effects free

In children, migraine or headache cannot be treated in the same way as in adults, that is with

drugs. Different treatments have to be used, like natural treatments, which are effective and


Below we see both the natural cures for headaches in children and young  people and headaches



headache in children natural cures



                     1  Kinds of Headache in Children

                     2  How Children's Headache Manifests itself

                     3  Causes of Children's Headache

                     4  Traditional treatments of Headache in Children

                     5  Natural cures for Children's Headache


                    What are the Kinds of HEADACHE in Children 

Headache or migraine are a very common symptom, even in children.

Migraine is most common neurological disease among children and in Italy affects about 10 children out of 100.

About 25% of children report had at least one episode of headache during year.

There are different types of headache: difference to made is between primary and secondary headaches.

The first are related to genetic predisposition, while in the second headache is symptom of a disease to

identify and treat.

Primary headaches of pediatric age are:

  • migraine, with and without aura; 
  • tension headache;
  • cluster headache (very rare in childhood)

Main complication linked to headache in pediatric age is possible chronicity.

Migraine is the most frequent primary headache in children, at least until the teenage years.

Headaches in children and teenagers can treated with natural, effective and harmless cures.



            How CHILDREN’S Headache MANIFESTS itself

Young child experiences symptoms defined as migraine equivalents which include:

                   - cyclic vomiting; - recurrent abdominal pain;- benign paroxysmal dizziness;

                   - paroxysmal stiff neck; - recurring pain in lower limbs (commonly known as

                          "growing pains"); - car sickness.


Headaches in children and teenagers can treated with natural, effective and harmless cures.

Older child, on the other hand, has a dominant headache, generally of medium-strong intensity, sometimes

even of short duration (even 5-10 minutes). In some cases the pain affects half of head and is throbbing:

children often say they feel heart in head. There may also be accompanying ymptoms, like:

                  - discomfort with light (photophobia);

                  - annoyance with noise (phonophobia);

                  - discomfort due to odors (osmophobia);

                  - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and paleness.


In migraine with aura, headache is preceded or accompanied by neurological symptoms:

  • - vision disturbance (vision of lights, blurred vision, transient loss of visual field part);
  • - tingling and decreased sensitivity of one limb or half of body;
  • - difficulty moving a limb or half of body;
  • - speech disorder.

Natural cures succeed in making the headache disappear.

Tension headache mostly affects in adolescent period: pain is generally of medium-mild intensity, bilateral

and constricting, like a vise.


Cluster headache is a third type of primary headache, rare in pediatric age: manifests itself with extremely

intense pain, lasting about 30 minutes, affecting an orbital region. It's often associated with nausea, vomiting,

phonophobia and photophobia, intense lacrimation, conjunctival redness, nasal obstruction.

In these children pain repeated regularly every day, at the same time (especially at night), for a period changing

between 15 and 30 days. But migraines and headaches in children and teens can be healed with natural




             What are the CAUSES of Children's Headache

The causes of headaches in children, as in adults, are due to excess emission of neuromediators

(CGRPsubstance P) from mast cells



       HOW the Children's HEADACHE it's treated in a TRADITIONAL way 

In case of primary headaches, drugs are generally not recommended for children and prescribed only in the most severe


Secondary headaches may be due to:

       -sinusitis, from age of 8;

       -infections of upper respiratory tract (flu syndromes, pharyngitis, rhinitis, etc.);

       -meningo-encephalitic inflammatory pathologies;

       -brain tumors (rare in children).

Therapy of secondary headaches should be directed towards the cause of headache (for example, drug treatment for




       WHAT are the NATURAL CURES for the Children's HEADACHE 

Then, a natural cure for headaches in children and young people is advisable and necessary, since

there are herbal products like Rhodiola rosea and vitis vinifera. They have an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,

antiplatelet, trophic action on blood vessel wall.

   There are also natural substances, such as flavoproteins and coenzymes. They contribute

effectively and harmlessly to restoration of neurotransmitter production and the reinstatement

of the immune sistem.

Thank you for reading my article to the end.

headache in children natural remedies