Natural Cure for Acne,Psoriasis,Couperose,Covid,Keratosis by UV
BIOATOPIL is a natural food supplement that has structure and properties of an herbal product.
Calendula Officinalis, Rhodiola Rosea, Riboflavin, Niacinamide are its components. It has no side
effects, doesn't accumulate in the body, has no interactions with any drug or contraindications.
Gluten and lactose free
3 Covid 19
5 Mechanism of Acne and Psoriasis
In all of the following diseases, the first positive effects will begin to be seen in many cases already after a few days
or at the first month treatment end.
These diseases are Acne vulgaris, Rosacea (o couperose), Psoriasis.
Due to individual variability, the indicated improvement terms may be delayed by 1 month.
Nature loves Simple Solutions (William of Ockham)
Bioatopil counteracts some biochemical mechanisms that underlie reactive diseases linked to uncontrolled
production and release of biochemical mediators from the mast cells.
The intake of BIOATOPIL allows to maintain optimal levels of nutrients necessary for the physiological working of
complex biochemical systems. Lack of trace elements and action of free radicals generate organic imbalances
that damage the body.
Bioatopil makes smooth and glowing skin
BIOATOPIL work naturally on inflammatory cytokines, which cause inflammation and rapid reproduction of skin cells.
In this way, it restores the correct proliferation and maturation of keratinocytes (skin cells). It also promotes DNA repair
and contributes to improving the functions of immune system.
BIOATOPIL by Green Bios. Box 30 caps. Retail price € 13,00. In pharmacy without prescription. Store below 30 ° C.
Notificated to Italian Ministry of Health 10/02/2016.
Made in Italy production plant: R.E.F. – Roma Tor Sapienza street,211.
No dyes added! We eliminated dye from the capsules to have a more natural product (the dye is allowed by the Italian
Ministry of Health for food products).
1) Acne and Rosacea: 1 capsule of BIOATOPIL after breakfast and 2 cps. after lunch for 5 months.
Subsequently, when healing is achieved, 2 cps. a day continuously.
N.B. For a weight over 80 Kg. (176 lbs) or over 65 years of age, it is recommended to take 2
cps. after breakfast and 2 after lunch for the first 5 months. Subsequently, when healing is achieved,
2 cps. a day continuously.
Diet advice: do not overdo it with fats, nuts and chocolate.'s just life coming in
2) Psoriasis, Inverse Psoriasis, Genital Psoriasis: 1 capsule of BIOATOPIL after breakfast and 2
capsules after lunch for 5 months. Subsequently, when healing is achieved, 2 cps. a day continuously.
NB: For a weight over 80 kg (176 pounds) or over 65 years of age, it’s advisable to take 2 cps.
after breakfast and 2 cps. after lunch for the first 6 months. Subsequently, when healing is achieved,
2 cps. a day, continuously.
3) COVID 19: In case of infection: 2 capsules after breakfast, 2 capsules after lunch and 2 cps. after
dinner for 15 days. Then, 2 cps. a day
Prevention: 2 capsules after breakfast and 2 capsules after lunch for 15 days. Then,
2 cps. a day.
4) Actinic keratosis or by UV rays: 1 capsule of BIOATOPIL after breakfast, 2 capsules after lunch for 5
months. Subsequently, 2 cps. a day, continuously.
Weight over 80 Kg. or age over 65 take 2 capsules after breakfast and 2 cps. after lunch for 5 months.
Subsequently 2 cps. a day continuously.
European Pat. n.1178801
USA Pat. n.7,291,625 B2
Russia - Eurasian Pat. n.003792
China Pat. n.CN1159013C
Canada Pat. n. 2.373.296
5) MECHANISM of Acne and Psoriasis
Bioatopil normalizes the release from mast cells of biochemical mediators, like "substance P". Indeed, this neuropeptide
is involved in onset of acne, stimulating the lipogenesis (process leading to fats increased production) in skin
sebaceous glands.
Bioatopil fights inflammatory cytokines and plays an important role in DNA repair, in response to inflammation.
In particular, Rhodiola promotes immune functions, while Calendula is necessary for nutrition and functionality of skin.
The powerful antioxidant activity of Rhodiola Rosea and the anti-inflammatory activity of Calendula therefore
stabilize the production of biochemical mediators. Thus, they counteract free radicals, which are harmful to the
cells and tissue receptors affected by inflammation and, in this way, it strengthens the immune system.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease associated with abnormal dilation of blood vessels in
the dermis (the layer found immediately under the skin). Many substances released by nerve endings in the skin,
during stress, can promote the onset of psoriasis. Among them, the most involved are neuropeptides, which work on
blood vessels. These neuropeptides are produced by mast cells in the skin.
In the psoriasis the skin becomes scaly, flaky or covered with pinkish-red drops (guttate psoriasis). It's found in
2-3% of people and is a cardiovascular risk factor.
BIOATOPIL is also able to counteract some biochemical mechanisms that underlie reactive diseases like Psoriasis.
In fact, it normalizes the metabolism of mast cells and incontrolled discharge of neuropeptides from them. It works
naturally on inflammatory cytokines, which cause inflammation and rapid skin cell reproduction. In this way, it
restores proper proliferation and maturation of keratinocytes (skin cells). Bioatopil is also effective in psoriasis itching
and promotes skin DNA repair too.